Morning Blast: Watch Heyward Homer After Bee Attack; Homers by Fowler, Russell and Szczur

I was going back through my memory trying to recall the last time a MLB player got stung over 10 times by a swarm of bees and then went on to pound a home run. The answer is NEVER (probably)! If anyone was wondering, Jason Heyward is tough and I think all the bee stings may have given him super-hero powers so now he’s gonna hit like 80 home runs this year. If he does, you heard it here first!

As proof of the super-hero powers, here is video os said bee attack followed by the two-run home run. Notice cool lightening bolts shooting out of his bat when he hits the ball.


Dexter Fowler lead off the first inning with a nice home run to right field (just before leaving the game with mild tightness in his side):

Addison Russell hits a three-run blast in the bottom of the third inning. His fourth of the spring and I’m expecting we’re going to see more power from Addison during the regular season.

And finally, here is a home run from Matt Szczur, his first since returning from an oblique injury: