Cubs Quick Hits: Kyle Schwarber’s (Only?) Weakness

Schwarber has been mashing balls off batter’s eyes and dispensing souvenirs to sun-burnt fans in Arizona, but even the tank-like human being has a weakness: high pitches. To suggest Schwarber has a weakness is sacrilegious, I know. I’m scared about the consequences of this post, but I expect Evan to protect me.

Below is zone profile whiff chart in which the bloody red zones represent lots of whiffs.

But what’s encouraging is that high pitches might be the only glaring hole in Schwarber’s bat. If he starts punishing pitchers for trying to elevate, where else do they attack him? Good luck finding that spot, because he’s got favorable whiff rates everywhere else.

Ed. note: Brendan expecting me to protect him is incredibly foolish, as I’ll be at the front of the line to thump him for suggesting that War Bear is fallible.