A Few Brief Thoughts as Cubs Release Tentative 2016 Schedule
The Cubs have released their tentative 2016 schedule and I’m tentatively predicting a 162-0 record.
Okay, that’s not true. They’re sure to drop a game or two in September when they rest starters en route to the palm-frond-laden march to a title. But I’m thinking 150-12 at the worst.
I’m not going to break the whole season down, but here are a few quick thoughts:
- Construction crews will get a little more time to clean up next April, as the first 6 games are on the road
- Opening in Anaheim and Arizona means warmer weather and, just maybe, a hotter start
- Lots of divisional matchups early
- Late June-early July looks like a nice spot to go on a run
- Moving the White Sox games to consecutive pairs is a good idea, but holding them during the week is not
- 20 divisional games to close out the season
- Home games by month – April (11), May (16), June (11), July (14), August (15), September (14)