Morning Blast: Watch Rizzo’s Bomb HR From Yesterday

If you follow me on Twitter you’ll know that yesterday I was posting video highlights of some of the scoring plays. But, maybe the juiciest play of them all only got this from me:

That was massively lame coverage of a massively awesome home run, I know. It all started on the Zobrist base hit the previous at-bat. He hit the ball in the right field corner and made a huge turn around first base, almost going half way to second, which was when I looked down to dutifully report this important turn of events to all of you, the people who couldn’t see what I see (but oh, you can if I constantly/obsessively take video and update my Twitter thread while people around me wonder “what is the deal with the loner taking video” as I sit directly in 90 degree heat).

The problem was that I thought Zobrist ended at second with a double. I reported that here:


But, when I looked up from my dutiful reporting, I was like “what the ef is Zobrist doing on first….shit, I suck!” So, while Rizzo was stepping to the plate, and with sweat beading down my forehead, I fumbled to compose the first tweet you see above, which was only meant to convey that I screwed up when I wrote Zobrist hit a double.

Unfortunately, while I was busy obsessing about correcting things Rizzo hit a bomb (the expletives were many – all in my head of course, there are kids around for goodness sakes). Well, folks, karma has worked it’s magic and I woke up to find video of said bomb. So now, all is right with the world and here you go 🙂

Don’t miss me later today as I work the same magic at the Rangers game.