Cubs Convention Has Been Canceled for 2022, Though Not Due to Woke Mob or Bad Tweets
It had been a foregone conclusion for quite awhile that Cubs Convention wasn’t happening, but that became official Saturday afternoon. The White Sox announced Friday that SoxFest was a no-go and Paul Sullivan reported for the Tribune that the Cubs have made the decision to cancel their annual event for the second straight year.
No, it wasn’t because someone dug up problematic tweets and sicced the woke mob on them. And no, it’s got nothing to do with Aaron Rodgers. Among other reasons, ongoing COVID concerns were at the root of the move.
“Winter months, an indoor environment, where you’re talking about 10,000 people or more in closed quarters where you can’t technically social distance,” Cubs spokesman Julian Green said. “It’s for safety reasons. It’s just a little more difficult to manage.
“Folks are now being encouraged to get booster shots, so we’re not technically out of the woods yet.”
There’s also the small matter of the CBA expiration on December 1, which could result in a lockout that would prohibit players from taking part in any team activities. Kinda hard to hold CubsCon with no players and zero ability to talk about offseason moves or the upcoming campaign. Speaking of which, the elections are all done so they can’t talk about any aldermanic campaigns either.
Besides, do you really think Tom Ricketts wanted to get onstage and address fans after the season the Cubs just had? The man was booed lustily the last time the event took place in 2020, and that’s when they still had all their core players and a new network getting ready to launch. Actually, it was the mention of Marquee that got everyone riled up.
There’s no surprise here at all for any number of reasons, so now we just have to hope continued vaccinations and additional treatment options will make holding next year’s Cubs Convention a much easier decision in the other direction.