Watch: Newest Cub Shawn Armstrong Explains Son Declan Cutter’s Name

Most of us are Cubs fans because of our parents or grandparents, but what about when your dad is a ballplayer. Shawn Armstrong just joined the Cubs on August 30 via waiver claim after he’d spent just a month with the Cardinals following a deadline trade with the Rays, so his 3-year-old son doesn’t really understand who to root for. It’s a good thing the kid isn’t older because this is now Armstrong’s seventh organization since 2015.

Kinda reminds me of the 1991 movie Bingo, in which the protagonist’s father is a well-traveled NFL placekicker and there’s a gag about them having to get new clothes again or something. I guess the protagonist is actually the eponymous dog, but still. If you have a few minutes, do yourself a favor and read the absolutely bonkers plot summary.

Anyway, back to Armstrong and his kid. You don’t make it to the majors and stick around as long as this dude has without some talent. As the righty told media members after joining his new team, Declan Cutter’s name is a reminder of his journey.

“Cutter definitely came from the pitch that got me to the big leagues,” Armstrong explained.

Sure enough, the cutter makes up nearly one-third of the pitches Armstrong has thrown in the bigs and we’ll see it on display in September as he tries to help the Cubs climb back into contention.

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